Free Stuff

  The following images are released to the PUBLIC DOMAIN, although credit for their use would be strongly appreciated.  Note that only these versions of these images have been so released.
 mp1et80ds.png (5371 bytes) Metal Panel 1 set (40 by 80)
Seven Textures 30283 bytes zipped
 mp1et60cs.png (6058 bytes) Metal Panel 1 set (80 by 160)
Nine Textures 103429 bytes zipped
 wwaat40as.png (3160 bytes) Wood Wall 2 and A set (40 by 40)
Three Textures 8593 bytes zipped
 rw1at40ds.png (3455 bytes) Rock Wall 1 set (40 by 40)
Four Textures 16675 bytes zipped
 st1ct40as.png (3478 bytes) Stone Tile 1 and 4 and Wood Tile 1 set (40 by 40)
Twelve Textures 43186 bytes zipped
 zombie1xs.png (1953 bytes) Zombie set
One Background and Four Sprites 110318 bytes zipped
 fn1_1s.png (966 bytes) Free Numeral 1 set (10 by 20)
Ten sprites 110318 bytes zipped
Dimensionality, consorted
624 W University Drive #213
Denton TX 76201-1889
These pages and images are Copyright © 1995-2017 Dimensionality, consorted, all rights reserved.  Dimensionality is a trademark of Dimensionality, consorted.